On Friday, there will be a breakout session about domain-specific languages for zero-knowledge during the 2nd ZKProof standards workshop.
The increasing interest in zero knowledge proofs in both academia and industry has lead to the development of several libraries, domain-specific languages and compilers for making primitives like zk-SNARKs more accessible. These tools differ in various aspects including expressiveness, efficiency, usability and others. In this session, we will briefly review the existing tools, and discuss the current challenges in the field. In addition, we will debate which features the audience would like to see in the next iterations of such domain-specific tools and how to leverage them in real-world applications.
Looking forward to your attendance.
Ahmed and Stefan
The breakout sessions were not recorded, but as @sanchopansa just posted below, there were notes taken from the discussion. The goal of this is to generate a set of content (written, tables, figures, examples, etc.) for this topic on the ZKProof Reference Document and all comments and contributions are welcomed.
Hi @sanchopansa, thanks for posting the notes, they look great!
I skimmed through them but could not identify specific action points or contributions. Do you know / have a list of these?
At this point, DSLs are not a bit part of the reference document, and I believe it would be amazing to have a more refined section about it.
I just saw the comment now @danib31. Let me have a chat with Ahmed and Stefan and we’ll see if we can identify some concrete action items/contributions next week.